Career Guidance,Career Counselling And Career Mella organized by Women & Child Welfare Society:Cuttack and Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan: District Office: Cuttack on Dated:01.02.2022, Venue: Jan Shikshan Sansthan, Sector-9, CDA: Cuttack-14
Welcome to Guest- Mr. Sambit Mohanty, Programme Officer, JSS
Address by Hon"lble Guest- Mr. Gangadhar Behera,Prakruti Bandhu&National Youth Awardee NYKS
Address by Hon"lble Guest- Mr. Ashok Kumar Dash, Deputy Director, NYKS
Address by Hon"lble Guest- Mrs. Anima Dash, Director, JSS: Cuttack
Address by Hon"lble Guest-Dr. Arjun Kumar Biswal, District Environment
Society Coordinator Presidential
Address by: Mrs. Minati Bindhani, General Secretary,WCWS
Vote of Thanks: Keshab Chandra Maharana, Programme CoordinatorWCWS
Women & Child Welfare Society (WCWS) : Cuttack & Nehru Yuba Kendra Sangathan:District Office: Cuttack organized Training of Youth Wellness Positive Life Style and Fit India. on 6th February 2022 at Praharajpur,
Kishorenagar,District: Cuttack.Mrs. Minati Bindhani, General Secretary,WCWS Guest Introduction and Key note Address and delivered her speech on Youth Empowerment and Wellness Positivity, Yoga Demonstration & Speech by Miss Pratyusa P. Chaini, Yoga Trainer, Dr.Anandi Charan Baral, Lecturer, Kishorenagar College, Kishorenagar, Cuttack delivered his speech on Youth Empowerment & Wellness. Mr. Keshab Chandra Maharana,Programme Coordinator, WCWS delivered his speech onYouth Empowerment & Wellness.
Vote of Thanks to all 40 Nos. Youth participants, Guests and Media persons by Mr. Keshab Chandra Maharana,Programmed Coordinator,